Thursday, November 12, 2009

Messy House

I just swept my floors. Oh. My. Gosh. You should see the pile of 'stuff' that was on my floor. Dirt, sand, food, bendaroos, hay, sticks from corn dogs , grass, paper, wipes, gum, candy, chocolate, water bottle lids, popcorn, cards, wrappers, old fruit, a chicken nugget, the list could go on and on.
Since yesterday was a no-school day, I feel like today is Monday. It feels like a Monday and I definitely have Monday-house. Anyone want to come and do my laundry and dishes? I need a nap.


Em said...

I just laughed sooooo hard reading that! I can relate! Today I was grateful my van was so messy because James forgot his show and tell item, and had to look no further than the van floor. There were quite a few of his belongings in there to choose from. It worked out quite well!

Stef said...

I have decided that it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep a clean floor. It always amazes me how much stuff is dropped on a floor in one day! How does that happen? And I won't even start to talk about my van. Yikes! It gets a little scary in there... But we aren't going to talk about it...

ajwhet10 said...

OH YES! I remember selecting new carpeting that was several shades of brown and a nice, varied pile, in hopes of a bit of camouflage!! Unfortunately, from the living room we could see the kitchen table, with the french doors behind it highlighting every little cheerio (etc.) under the table. Which is easier, teaching kids to be neat, or teaching kids to pick stuff up? lol

Em, I love your instant show-and-tell van!