Saturday, April 25, 2009

Diarrhea of the camera

I have a new camera! I am so excited about this that I have developed diarrhea of the camera. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: excess picture taking, children crying due to 'hold still' demands, husband getting impatient over wife's constant picture taking. I believe the symptoms are virtually harmless and, well, they're a small price to pay for documenting my kid's cuteness and youth. Germaphobes need not worry, this type of diarrhea is not contagious.
Enjoy this slide show of my family's Easter egg hunt, hanging out around the house and Sarah and the twins jumping onto and bouncing off the couch. Life is great!


Edna Guerrero said...

I have something similar... it's call Blogarrhia

dasrls said...

I am jealous I want a new camera! I wish i had Diarrhea of the camera.

Julia said...

Yeah, it's not bad to have - I can pretty much live with it. I can even leave my home without wondering 'if' or 'when' my symptoms return.

Anonymous said...

Thats funny. I wish I had one too.