Monday, January 12, 2009

Using your imagination, picture this...

Scene set up: Joe running really really fast with a big smile on his face.
Mom: Hey Joe!
Joe: Run fast!
Mom: Running really fast? Run really fast again!
Joe turns around (out of sight) then runs back to me with a big smile on his face and says, "run fast!"
Mom (I), realize that Joe isn't really running fast, he's more, like, gliding on top of thousands of crushed puffed cheese balls. The bottom of his shoes are covered in orange dust. I get up and follow him to his starting place - the kitchen. It snowed orange flakes, they are everywhere.
Mom: What is going on?
Mary: Joe-Joe did it.
Mom: Joe, what did you do?
Joe: Cheese ball, run fast.
End Scene

There are crushed puffed cheese balls everywhere in the kitchen, living room and down the hall. I swept, I vacuumed, I cried. Joe smiled and when on with his day. It's only 9:02 in the morning. Side note: I did try to take a picture but could not get my camera to work.


Em said...

Sounds fun! At least life isn't boring, right?

ajwhet10 said...

See, Cheese Balls are multiple fun! Ya eat 'em and ya slide on 'em, ya decorate with 'em, and ya sweep 'em up! That boy is toooo much!! :)