Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday was good for the Lee Family

The kids don't have school today.  I am actually very happy about it: don't have to get up and go,  no homework to turn in, no lunches to pack and no kids to pick up. I got to sleep in a bit (notes of sarcasm) and I made breakfast after 8!  Talk about a slow morning (higher pitches of sarcasm).
With that said, I had plans to take the kids to a resort to hang out pool-side and chill for the day.  Instead, due to a massive middle-of-the-night stomach ache and *other stuff*, I changed plans and took them all to Golf Land/Sun Splash for a day full of fun. It's much closer to home, partly inside and,  I KNOW where the restrooms are! Anyways, the activities started off with the twins joining other 3-5 year-olds in an Easter egg hunt.  There were so many kids there I was worried about loosing one of mine, specifically Joe (come back next week to read about the kid's Spring Sing). I have to say that this place had the event well planned, well contained and well stocked (this is important for moms of little kids)!  Even with all the kids there,  they were allowed to collect 10 eggs each (not bad). 



We had some time in between the younger kids and older kid's hunt so we spent the next hour or so goofy golfing.  It was so fun to see the kids hit the golf ball a zillion times with the mini putters and claim it only took a few hits to get the ball in the hole. Ha!  I let Sarah, Joe and Mary skip around the course - it's so much easier that way.  Sam HAD to golf in order and putt at each hole.  It dragged on a bit and the younger kids were getting tired.  I took them inside to redeem my food coupons, a slice of pizza and a drink.  They ate and enjoyed every bite! When they were done, Sam came in looking for us and he was ready to eat.  He was hungry, too. He ate every bite.
Here, Mary is not happy that I am taking photos. 

The time finally came for Sam and Sarah to hunt for eggs.  They had a good time, as well.

Very tired and a bit sun burned, we came home.  But, we didn't stop there.  We colored 3 dozen eggs.  What a mess we made.  Pictures tomorrow.

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