Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fool Me once...

Here is a picture of a just-bathed, dressed and fed Joe. I guess I didn't meet his fructose needs because he grabbed a full bag of powdered sugar and dumped it out onto his tray, his seat and all over the floor. I was furious.
The next day he did the same thing with a bag of brown sugar.


Anonymous said...

Look at those eyes! How can you scold a cute little face like that? That is funny though. Nice mess to clean up. Advice- move your baking stuff..just a thought.

Em said...

Love the guilty look!

ajwhet10 said...

Hahaha. He is SO my grandkid. I used to EAT powdered sugar by the spoonful as a kid, filling up my mouth and then letting it melt away. MMMMmmmmmm. Sorry about the mess, though. :)

Edna Guerrero said...

Better advice than Melinda's.. Always eat at Melinda's that way you never have to buy things that your kids can get into! stop cooking and baking... problem solved!