What do you do when school-aged kids have 2 days off of school? Not worry about getting them to school on time, for one! Yeah! Really, though, it's not that hard to get up and get the big kids ready for school and the twins ready for the day; it's just nice to know that I don't HAVE to do it all by 7:30am for 2 days! I did have to get everyone up, dressed, fed and in the van because I was scheduled to teach aqua at the local gym both mornings.
After my class on Thursday, and a little workout for myself, we came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. It was so nice to know that I had the whole day to spend with my kids without the interruption of carpool and homework! And that is exactly what I did!
Friday was a repeat of Thursday. I taught my class and worked out a bit, showered (at the gym) and came home. We ate lunch and listened to music.
I decided to change the kid's rooms around once again and ran out of steam and time. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. We ate dinner and Mike and the kids watched some TV. By 7:00pm the kids were so tired. We put them in their pj's and tucked them in bed. Some kisses, drinks of water and prayers (extra ones for Sam because he gets scared) and the lights were off!
I decided to post because I took a cute pic of the kids on Thursday morning before we got ready for the day.
Oh - one side note of the day...Sarah and her friend decided to knock on my bedroom window to get the twins attention who were playing in the backyard. I guess they knocked so hard that the window broke! Not cracked, broken! A piece fell out! She was sad, I was mad. Well, that's it... more from the Lee House of Adventures later.