Monday, August 31, 2009


I am in serious need of some motivation everything that needs to get done.
I could easily make a list of all the chores around the house and in the yard that I should work on daily and weekly. But I won't. It would take too long and, frankly, you would be bored. So, I am asking you to post a comment with a suggestion on something that I could (should) work on. Let's see what you come up with and let's see what I can get done. Together, yes we can! Ha ha! (notice, that in my statement, I am not implying that you come and do it for me or that I am suggesting that anyone do my work for me when I am capable of doing it myself)
Hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous said...

Lists totally work for me. At first I would write notes now they are jmental ones. Starting with a couple of MUST DO's a day would be good. Try to do them everynight before you go to bed. You can add as things as needed or tolerated. LOL

Salsa Mama said...

Hmmm, I know what you mean. Sometimes I need to invite someone over to give me the extra kick to clean up. Someone you don't want to see a mess... haha Although, sometimes I just don't care who sees my mess so maybe that wouldn't work. I try to go one room at a time sometimes. That makes it less overwhelming and then I have one good room to look at to help me want to do more. (start with the easiest room)

Em said...

I need motivation too! I am not a very neat, organized person, but I would like to do better! My next project is to organize all my crafty stuff, because it is spilling out of my bedroom closet. I bought a peg board and framed it, and the goal is to put all my stuff on there so I know where it is! I agree with Melinda that a list is a good thing. I like to check off what I have done.

Julia said...

Thanks for the comments. I usually get a boost of energy from someone else's accomplishments, that's why I asked for input. I started this 'chore swap' thing in my ward where the sisters trade help for help - to get bit and overwhelming jobs done with less stress and in a more timely manner. I am willing to do the same if any of you want to get some work done.

ajwhet10 said...

Haha. Your very question overwhelms me! I know I have several parts missing in the "organize and do" department!! No way I can give good advice, but for sure I am cheering for you, and am willing to help if you are brave enough to put me to work. :)

I read advice from a woman who learned to get out of bed, hit the floor running, and rush through her chores. I loved that thought, but my body wouldn't do it. :D

Andréa Morrow said...

what are the things you need to get done? start with the smallest and slowly work your way to the biggest.

ajwhet10 said...

I gotta say here that a couple of days after this post when I went to your house, it was immaculate!! Are you ready to share the secret? :)